indi's supr cool website!


my cool utopia to bitch about evrythin!

what's up BROCHACHOS!!!!

im indi, i rlly enjoy writing, music, art, old tech & sum other geeky shit.
i wanted a place where i could share my thoughts, my writing, whatever wiv no fear of judgement,
so i learned 2 code and here i am!! if u find this, hope u enjoy!!


my blog!

about me

my name is indiya, im from the uk & i got autism (fire emoji.) ive always been interested in older things, especially music, tech and video games. ive always adored the early ages of the internet and often wish we could go back. i think webpages are a great way to regain freedom, to share our thoughts without worrying about the feedback we may recieve from others, and thats why i learnt to code and made my own!!

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